L’Abbazia will be available for stays from Saturday, March 23 to Saturday, November 11, 2024. The property has 2 bedrooms and can accommodate a maximum of 4 people.
The minimum length that can be booked for your stay is 4 nights. The minimum notice to book is 3 days before the beginning of your stay.
L’Abbazia has a saltwater swimming pool for exclusive use. The pool will be open and available to our guests from May 12 to September 21, 2024.
We accept payments by bank transfer, including international ones. At the time of booking, the entire cost of the stay must be paid in advance.
From | To | RATE |
MAR. 23 | May 11 | € 170,00 |
May 12 | JUNE 15 | € 190,00 |
JunE 15 | JUNE 29 | € 220,00 |
JUNE 30 | Aug. 24 | € 335,00 |
Aug. 25 | Sep. 21 | € 270,00 |
Sep. 22 | NOV. 11 | € 170,00 |
Rates do not include electricity and gas consumption, which will be accounted for separately.
L’Abbazia will be available for stays from Saturday, March 23 to Saturday, November 11, 2024. The property has 2 bedrooms and can accommodate a maximum of 4 people.
The minimum length that can be booked for your stay is 4 nights. The minimum notice to book is 3 days before the beginning of your stay.
L’Abbazia has a saltwater swimming pool for exclusive use. The pool will be open and available to our guests from May 12 to September 21, 2024.
We accept payments by bank transfer, including international ones. At the time of booking, the entire cost of the stay must be paid in advance.
From | To | RATE |
MAR. 23 | May 11 | € 170,00 |
May 12 | JUNE 15 | € 190,00 |
JunE 15 | JUNE 29 | € 220,00 |
JUNE 30 | Aug. 24 | € 335,00 |
Aug. 25 | Sep. 21 | € 270,00 |
Sep. 22 | NOV. 11 | € 170,00 |
Rates do not include electricity and gas consumption, which will be accounted for separately.